What to Do If You Find a Clogged AC Drain Line?

A clogged AC drain line indicates that too much water is backing up in the line and flooding your house. It can cause an alert to go off on your thermostat, stopping your unit’s cooling. Consequently, getting a routine AC tune-up, is recommended. Continue reading to discover various techniques for clearing your air conditioner drain […]

6 Thermostat Problems That May Affect Your Heating Unit

A broken thermostat may be to blame for your heating problems, and certain warning signs could indicate when your thermostat is malfunctioning. To resolve the problem with your thermostat, contact our professional HVAC service in Tulare. Read below to understand why your thermostat may be having issues in the first place. Thermostat problems that may […]

05 Reasons Why Your Furnace Is Not Working

If you are experiencing problems with your home’s furnace, there may be underlying concerns that need to be addressed. A furnace can involve complicated components, but knowing the fundamentals can help determine what may be wrong. Before it’s too late, schedule professional furnace repair in Tulare with Central Heating and Cooling. Why is your furnace […]

Ways To Improve The Energy Efficiency of Heating Unit

When it comes to electronic appliances, the first thing people look at is their energy efficiency, and it’s no different with heating and cooling in Tulare. HVAC systems are essential in a building to maintain a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year. Tips to improve the heating system’s energy efficiency Heating systems take up a […]

7 Causes Why Your Furnace Is Leaking On The Floor

The most common issues faced with HVAC systems are weak airflow, poor smells, loud noises, hiked utility, uneven temperature, etc. One furnace issue that needs our immediate attention is water leakage. The issue might not require a technician for furnace repair in Tulare but it does need an inspection. You should inspect the unit after […]

4 Signs That Your Air Conditioner Needs More Freon Refrigerant

Freon, commonly known as the refrigerant, acts as the “lifeblood” of your air conditioning system. Without the appropriate quantity, your system cannot cool your home adequately. However, determining whether your AC system requires refrigerant can be difficult because low refrigerant “signs” can also be symptoms of other AC problems. Therefore, it becomes imperative to regularly […]